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Whether you think you can do something or not, you are right.  So you might as well think you can. 

Live Workshops                 


Caregivers:  Stress-Less, Relax More
Cincinnati, OH 
6.6 Nursing Contact Hours
Also open to the public
You need not be a nurse to attend

Price:  $  98

If you say or frequently think:
I can't take another minute of this...
I am just so tired all of the time...
I don't have any time for myself...
I don't sleep well...
I'm over committed, but I just can't say "NO"...
I always seem to be in a rush...
It's only 8am, and IT'S already started...

Then this class is for you!!!

* Discover your energy drains
* Learn methods of identifying body signals for stress
* Discover your limiting beliefs
* Learn about energy exchange
* Discover and initiate self-care
* Clear negative energy
* Create with intention
* Develop tools for dealing with the stressors of
   being a caregiver
* Incorporate learned workshop teachings into your
   personal and professional lif

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You Can Heal Your Life 
Cincinnati, OH 
15.0 Nursing Contact Hours
Also open to the public
You need not be a nurse to attend

Price:  $  248

A 2-day personal growth event based on the
best-selling book, 'You Can Heal Your Life',
by Louise L. Hay.

Experience this powerful interactive workshop designed to develop awareness of negative beliefs, release old emotions, and learn the basic points of Louise's philosophy.  Louise states that, "What we think about ourselves becomes the truth for us.  Every thought we think is creating our future, the thoughts we think and the words we speak create our experiences, the best and the worst.  When we create peace and harmony and balance in our minds, we will find it in our lives."

* Understand your family dynamics and
* Work with body, mind, emotions and spirit
* Release negative emotions which block you
   from living joyfully and creatively
* Develop empowering behaviors and attitudes
* Enjoy marvelous changes in your life
* The point of power is always in the present
* Develop a support system with workshop

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Introduction to Energy Medicine

6.6 Nursing Contact Hours
Also open to the public
You need not be a nurse to attend

Price:  $ 98

This powerful workshop will provide participants with a beginning understanding of healing, using energy-based concepts, and it's application to modern scientific principles.  Learn to keep you and your family balanced so that life's stressors seem a little easier.

After attending this workshop you will be able to: 

* Define Energy Medicine.
* Describe and demonstrate a centering, and an
   assessment technique.
* Define how the healer assists the client to self heal.
* Identify methods of treating the energy system.
* Identify the 4 levels of health that Energy Medicine
* Define the goals, characteristics, and benefits of
   Energy Medicine.
* Explain the energy layers of the body.
* Explain the metabolic path of incoming primary energy.
* Explain how a person’s health is affected by the health
   & quality of  the energy system.
* Identify how the energy medicine practitioner
   determines treatment needs.
*  List the senses by which the energy system may be
* Explain how energy can be experienced and what  in-
   fluences the energy system.
* Discuss current research projects.

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